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1st Real Estate Coach Real Estate Network

First network in number of short-term rental coaches associated under the European Economic Interest Grouping - GEIE GUESTBEEZ which transcends Europe.

Group Calls

Interested in our activity?
short term rental?

Click on the " JOIN THE NETWORK " button to write to our international concierge management, then receive an invitation to participate in a presentation to learn all about the GUESTBEEZ ALLIANCE and ask your questions.

Short term rental management

In the short -term rental housing market , the GUESTBEEZ GEIE network is involved both through online real estate platforms and reservations with owners and directly by professionally renting apartments on a long-term basis to offer them for short-term rental (authorized by contract) to individuals or professionals in GUESTBEEZ agencies or on our dedicated website.

The group supports its members in the profession and activities from A to Z, without apprehension, throughout the world thanks to the power of the collective; defines the best strategy for each to:

  • Generate capital gains (+20% minimum) without carrying out work

  • Achieve important financial goals quickly and without taking risks with your own funds

Maximize your profits?

Local and International Opportunities

  • Carry out ultra-profitable operations in record time (forget the months and years of waiting to generate tens of thousands of euros of added value)

  • Benefit from the strength of a network of independent experts in their field and recommended professional best practices

  • Take action with a proven system and tailored support (whether you are a beginner or experienced)

Find our exhaustive list of GUESTBEEZ GEIE Coaches

Grace Topo

Grace POTO

Paris and Ile-de-France

HostInCities Platinium

  • Whatsapp
  • Instagram
  • Ko-Fi
Darcy Mbaka.jpeg


Paris and Ile-de-France

HostInCities Premium

  • Whatsapp
  • Instagram
  • Ko-Fi

Chloe Wilskatsi

Batumi and Adjara (Georgia)

HostInCities Premium

  • Whatsapp
  • Instagram
  • Ko-Fi
Kolia Louison


Paris and Ile-de-France

HostInCities Programme Lead

  • Whatsapp
  • Instagram
  • Ko-Fi

You can contact our real estate coaches here. If you have been contacted by one of us, this member is necessarily referenced on this page.

Guestbeez GEIE logo

Programme HostInCities

HostInCities Starter
  • Durée 6 mois

  • Compte Personnel

  • Adhésion gratuite

  • Visibilité Équipe

  • Commission 15% CA

  • Accompagnement 100%

  • Sourcing personnel

  • Marketing GUESTBEEZ

  • Agenda/Mail GUESTBEEZ

  • Rés. Sociaux GUESTBEEZ

  • Site Web GUESTBEEZ

  • Co-Hôte

HostInCities Premium
  • Durée 1 an

  • Compte Perso/Pro

  • Adhésion payante

  • Visibilité Équipe

  • Commission 5% CA

  • Accompagnement 100%

  • Sourcing personnel

  • Marketing GUESTBEEZ

  • Agenda/Mail GUESTBEEZ

  • Rés. Sociaux GUESTBEEZ

  • Site Web au choix

  • Co/Super-Hôte

  • Durée 1 an

  • Compte Perso/Pro

  • Adhésion payante

  • Visibilité Équipe

  • Commission 2% CA

  • Backup à la demande

  • Sourcing personnel

  • Marketing GUESTBEEZ

  • Agenda/Mail individuel

  • Rés. Sociaux indivuduel

  • Site Web individuel

  • Co-Hôte & Sous-Loc. Pro

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